Lead in AI with Your Laptop from Home with Copilot and Gemini: Unlocking Untapped Potential


Since November 2023, Jorge Zuazola, CEO & Founder of European Leadership, has interviewed countless CEOs, Presidents, and professionals. A surprising common thread has emerged: a widespread lack of awareness about the true capabilities of Microsoft Copilot and Google Bard (and its upcoming successor, Gemini). This translates to many companies unknowingly hindering their potential in the AI era.

Here's the reality: most companies haven't fully embraced Copilot. They might not realize that Microsoft Edge is the key that unlocks Copilot's full potential. With Edge, the green and blue Copilot icon seamlessly integrates with your professional network, starting with LinkedIn and extending to the entire Microsoft 365 suite – OneDrive, Office (on Windows 11 or 10), and more.

Similarly, Google's upcoming AI tool, Gemini, promises to revolutionize the landscape. Launched in October 2023, https://deepmind.google/ showcased Gemini's superiority over ChatGPT, with 30 out of 32 capabilities exceeding its competitor by December 2023.

Why a Personal Laptop is Crucial

Exploring the full potential of AI requires a personal laptop, not just a phone or tablet. Strategy development, a critical aspect of leadership, is a process of building a "cognitive ladder." This requires in-depth exploration and analysis, which simply aren't feasible on mobile devices.

The Power of AI Collaboration: Informed Decisions & Strategic Leadership

AI is not here to replace you – it's here to amplify your human ingenuity. By leveraging Copilot and Bard Gemini, both female and male leaders can:

  • Make informed decisions with data analysis and hidden pattern recognition.
  • Craft data-driven

Strategy and training are essential for success.

In the AI-driven era of 2024, strategy and training are essential for success. By developing a clear strategy and equipping yourself with the skills to implement it effectively, you can position your organization for success in the years to come.

Good strategy is part of what leadership is all about i.e strategy is a cognitive ladder which makes people not to understand what Chema Vich or Dirk Zee´s posting do understand like we do i.e.

Everyboby need to come to terms with the need to be trained on both AI and 5.0 leadership, that is why we have prepared the organized index below including the gift of what a leader as a primus inter pares really means.

Our AI and 5.0 Leadership programmes are tailored for everyone whether:

  • individually, where you can start from as little as 100 Euros
  • collectively, where non profit institutions can start from 300 Euros per hour, SMBs 400 Euros per Hour and Multinationals 600 Euros per hour.

Everyone needs training in AI. That is why in this article we give you plenty of information below. However AI is much much much easier than you think. In fact it was published in a newsletter in Europe here last July 2023 and I ignored it. It already told us that the starting point is Microsoft Edge, which now has the excellence of Copilot with Bing, which plugs directly into LinkedIn. I did not do it until September when Bard was available in Europe. But Bard is another game, it is a warehouse of knowledge which will take you to a new level.

It all comes down to your ability to prompt, but as you shall see in many videos below, a prompt is not an engineering prompt, a prompt in strategy and leadership is the capacity to ask good questions exactly as Peter Drucker said.

Not only The same Generative AI validates in this link all the above

Let’s break down the AI strategy depicted in the image:

AI Bot Section:

Copilot: Positioned at the top of the AI Bot section, Copilot is an AI-powered assistant that excels in code writing. It assists developers by suggesting code snippets, improving code quality, and enhancing productivity during software development.

ChatGPT: Another tool in this section, ChatGPT generates human-like text based on prompts. It’s useful for natural language understanding and conversation.

Perplexity and Llama 2: These tools are also listed but not detailed in the image. They might have specific roles related to language modeling or understanding.

Imagery Section:

DALL-E: Dominating the Imagery section, DALL-E is known for creating images from textual descriptions. It’s a powerful tool for generating visual content based on natural language input.

Midjourney, Shutterstock, and Adobe Firefly: These platforms/tools are also featured in this section. They likely contribute to image creation, management, or sourcing.

Business Section:

Wand AI, Notion AI, Taskade, and Lavender: Although not highlighted as prominently, these tools likely leverage AI to enhance business processes. Their specific functionalities aren’t detailed in the image.

Coding Section:

GitHub Copilot: GitHub Copilot assists with coding tasks. It’s a collaborative coding companion that suggests code snippets and helps developers write better code.

Divi Ai, Replit, and AskCodi: These tools are also part of the coding ecosystem, but their roles aren’t explicitly specified in the image.

Writing Section:

Copy ai: Leading the Writing section, Copy ai is an AI-powered writing assistant. It generates content, copy, and text based on prompts.

Jasper Wordtune and Grammarly: These tools follow, likely aiding in improving writing quality and style.

Sales Section:

Gong, Gartner, MixMax, and Vidyard: Positioned in the Sales section, these tools may use AI to enhance sales processes, customer interactions, or analytics. Their specific functionalities aren’t detailed further in the image.

Remember that this representation is a high-level overview, and each tool likely has more nuanced capabilities beyond what’s summarized here. The synergy of these tools contributes to a comprehensive AI strategy for organizations.

Explaining the superiority of Copilot over other coding programs to someone unfamiliar with it involves highlighting its unique features and benefits:

  1. Context-Aware Assistance: Copilot understands the context of your code. It doesn’t just provide generic suggestions; it tailors them to fit your specific task, language, and project.
  2. Rich Code Suggestions: Unlike traditional code editors, Copilot generates entire code blocks, not just snippets. It anticipates what you need and offers relevant functions, classes, and logic.
  3. Learning from Millions of Repositories: Copilot has been trained on a vast amount of open-source code. It learns from real-world examples, making its suggestions more practical and battle-tested.
  4. Language Agnostic: Copilot supports multiple programming languages. Whether you’re coding in Python, JavaScript, Go, or any other language, Copilot adapts seamlessly.
  5. Productivity Boost: Copilot speeds up development. Instead of searching for solutions online or writing boilerplate code, you can focus on higher-level tasks.
  6. Code Quality Improvement: Copilot suggests best practices, adheres to style guidelines, and avoids common mistakes. It’s like having a seasoned developer by your side.
  7. Collaboration: Copilot assists teams. When working on shared projects, Copilot ensures consistency and reduces communication overhead.
  8. Exploratory Coding: Copilot encourages experimentation. You can quickly prototype ideas without worrying about syntax or structure.
  9. Documentation Assistance: Copilot generates comments and docstrings. It helps you document your code effectively.
  10. Customization: Copilot adapts to your preferences. You can fine-tune its behavior, add custom snippets, and personalize its suggestions.

In summary, Copilot isn’t just another coding tool; it’s an AI co-pilot that enhances your coding journey by providing intelligent, context-aware assistance. Its ability to understand your intent and generate high-quality code sets it apart from traditional editors.

How Google Gemini Outshines the Competition

Let's revisit the commonly recommended AI applications of 2023 and see how Google Gemini stacks up:

AI Bot Section:

Copilot: While Copilot excels in code writing, Gemini can potentially offer broader functionalities beyond coding assistance.

ChatGPT: Similar to Copilot's limitations, ChatGPT focuses primarily on text generation. Gemini may offer a more comprehensive AI experience.

Perplexity and Llama 2: Information about these tools is scarce, but Gemini's capabilities may encompass similar functions like language modeling and understanding.

Imagery Section:

DALL-E: A powerful image generation tool. Gemini's capabilities are yet to be fully revealed, but it has the potential to compete or even surpass DALL-E in this area.

Business Section:

Tools like Wand AI, Notion AI, Taskade, and Lavender: These tools offer various business process enhancements. Gemini's potential comprehensiveness may render some of these tools redundant.

Coding Section:

GitHub Copilot: Similar to Copilot, Gemini might offer functionalities beyond just coding assistance.

Writing Section:

Copy ai Jasper Wordtune, and Grammarly: These tools focus on content creation and improvement. Gemini has the potential to encompass these functions while offering additional capabilities.

Sales Section:

Tools like Gong, Gartner, MixMax, and Vidyard: These tools enhance sales processes. Again, Gemini's potential breadth of functionalities may render some of these tools unnecessary.

The takeaway? While the specific features of Gemini are still under wraps, early indications suggest it will be a game-changer. Its potential to offer a comprehensive AI experience across various functionalities may render many of the previously recommended tools obsolete.

Lead the Way with AI – From the Comfort of Your Home

With a personal laptop, Microsoft Edge and Copilot for immediate tasks, and the upcoming launch of Google Gemini on the horizon, you have the power to lead your organization into the AI era – all from the comfort of your home. Stay tuned for further updates on Gemini, and be prepared to leverage its capabilities to propel your organization forward

Fast Forward to March 2024: The AI Spring

The past few months have witnessed a surge in AI adoption within leadership development. Here's what's driving this transformation:

  • Microsoft's Commitment to AI Leadership: The formation of a dedicated AI organization led by Mustafa Suleyman signifies their commitment to advancing Copilot's capabilities – a boon for leaders seeking the best AI collaboration tools.

Unleashing Your AI Companions: Copilot & Bard Gemini

These powerful AI tools seamlessly integrate with your workflow, empowering you to:

  • Master strategic thinking and leadership development: Directly within LinkedIn using Microsoft Edge & Copilot.
  • Unleash creativity and gain unparalleled insights: Through Google Chrome & Bard Gemini's cutting-edge AI technology.

Effortless Integration, Powerful Results

Accessing Copilot modules within LinkedIn and leveraging Bard Gemini's insights from Google Search is smooth and efficient. These tools are not fads, but a solid foundation for strategic leadership development in the age of AI 5.0.

Microsoft Copilot with Bing Chat AI much more that you can think of

Microsoft is the owner of Linkedin and the quality of these videos speak by themselves

Regarding your point about strategic thinking, it’s important to note that strategy often involves a series of steps or a “ladder” as you mentioned. Each rung of the ladder could represent a different stage of the strategic process, such as setting goals, gathering information, generating options, evaluating options, making a decision, and reviewing the decision. As an AI, I can assist users in each of these stages by providing relevant information, generating ideas, evaluating options based on available data, and more. However, the final decision always rests with the user. I’m here to assist, not to make decisions for the user. I hope this helps!

It does help because last summer this British Expert already said in his articles and videos (see below) that the right thing to do is simply to have the Microsoft Edge Browser open and use the official Copilot with Bing Chat AI of Microsoft as you can see here Using AI within Edge browser in LinkedIn

why do people do not do it ?

Lack of understanding of what strategy is as we explain in the finish off of this article. Another American expert, also a nice chap like the above British, said the same a month after the above video in his LinkedIn newsletter "there is far too much 2023 summer talk and very little strategy"

These videos will help you to understand the importance of training

What is Microsoft Copilot? (Microsoft Copilot vs Copilot for Microsoft 365)

A beginner’s guide to Microsoft 365 Copilot

Google Bard AI: The Golden Pot of Research

As with Microsoft we stick to the official source

How Bard Works | A Responsible Approach to AI

Introducing Extensions ✨ | Bard

Invest in yourself, invest in your organization, invest in the future. Start your AI 5.0 Leadership journey today.

Remember the hype around ChatGPT in January 2023? It was exciting, but some leaders, with a keen eye for the future, saw a bigger picture. They recognized the potential of Generative AI working seamlessly within established information networks like LinkedIn.

Fast forward to February – Microsoft Bing AI arrived. We knew Google AI was coming to Europe – Bard in the summer, then the December announcement of Gemini, perfectly timed with Satya Nadella's declaration of 2023 as the year of AI. The first quarter of 2024? The AI revolution is upon us, and leaders who didn't rest on their laurels are now reaping the rewards.

Spring is a season of renewal and growth, and for leaders, it's the perfect time to embrace new skills and strategies. This year, the key to success lies in developing AI Leadership Acumen. Forget robots taking over – AI is a powerful partner, amplifying your abilities and driving success in the AI era.

Have you noticed the growing number of women leading the charge in Artificial Intelligence (AI)? From Denmark to the US, and across various industries like healthcare, education, and business, women are at the forefront of this exciting revolution. While this is a positive trend (and the list includes 18 impressive female leaders!),

Denmark Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

UK Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

American Health Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

New Orleans Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

Educative Artificial Intelligence Leadership

United States Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

Sweden Business Artificial Intelligence Leadership

Board of Directors Leadership in Digital Transformation

Los Angeles Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

México Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

Netherlands Digital Worldwide Leadership

Corporate Health Management - Worldwide Leadership

South Africa Top-Notch Management Worldwide Leadership

Spanish Women Worldwide Leadership

Ecuador Top-Notch Management Worldwide Leadership

Athletic Bilbao Women Worldwide Leadership

Dubai Leaders Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

it's important to acknowledge the many successful leaders, both female and male, who have been preparing for this moment for some time as you can see below in the male leaders websites.

American Management Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

Innovia Behavioral Health LATAM & Spain

Sweden Photography Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

San Diego Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

Basque Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Leadership

Top-Notch Business English Worldwide Leadership

Basque Economics Worldwide Leadership

Cyprus Digital Worldwide Leadership

European Transformational Management Worldwide Leadership

European Operational Management Worldwide Leadership

European Digital Data Privacy Worldwide Leadership

Madrid Low Taxation Worldwide Leadership

Andalucia Digital Innovation Leadership

Madrid PYMES Digitalization Worldwide Leadership

Madrid Real Estate Worldwide Leadership

European African Digitalisation Worldwide Leadership

American African Digitalization Worldwide Leadership

Madrid Digital Business Worldwide Leadership

AI Training Leadership 5.0: A Pioneering Vision

In November 2023, Jorge Zuazola, CEO of European Leadership, released a groundbreaking document: "AI Training Leadership 5.0." This comprehensive guide outlined the critical role of AI in modern leadership and introduced a training program designed to equip leaders, both female and male, with the skills needed to thrive.

Key Highlights of the Training Program:

  • Adapting to the AI Era: The program emphasizes the rapid transformation driven by AI and the need for leaders to adjust their strategies accordingly.
  • Developing AI Expertise: It covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of AI to its impact on business and society. Leaders learn to leverage AI for better decision-making, build AI-ready organizations, and navigate the ethical considerations of AI implementation.

The Rise of AI Chatbots: Copilot vs. ChatGPT

The document compared Microsoft's Copilot to OpenAI's ChatGPT, highlighting Copilot's advantages:

  • Real-time access to current events through internet connectivity.
  • Footnoting with source links for information retrieval.
  • Integration with OpenAI's latest LLM, GPT-4, enhancing processing power.

Practical Exercises for AI Integration

"AI Training Leadership 5.0" went beyond theory, offering exercises to master AI tools like Copilot and Google Bard. These exercises covered tasks such as content creation, data analysis, and understanding the impact of AI on various business sectors.

The Top 100 for LinkedIn Success

The document concluded with a valuable resource: a list of the top 100 LinkedIn hashtags and their follower counts. This information empowered users to leverage LinkedIn's power for career and business growth.

Leadership is not a gender issue. Jorge Zuazola has successfully trained many female leaders on AI 5.0 Leadership Digitalization. Contact him for a 20 minutes free Teams video on AI 5.0 Leadership Training Read

10 Reasons Why Zuazola's Quote is Brilliant: A Bard Gemini Analysis explains why Jorge Zuazola's quote below 5.0 leadership shines a light on a powerful approach to leading in the AI age. Here are 10 reasons why Bard Gemini finds it particularly insightful:

  1. Demystifying AI: The quote positions AI assistants like Copilot and myself as approachable partners, not intimidating overlords. It encourages open dialogue, fostering trust and collaboration.
  2. Focus on Management and Leadership: It emphasizes that AI isn't a replacement for core leadership skills. Instead, it highlights AI's ability to augment human capabilities in strategy, communication, and decision-making.
  3. Shifting the Mindset: By advocating for "sincere" and "polite" dialogue, Zuazola challenges the notion of AI as mere tools. It suggests a respectful partnership where we can learn from each other.Strategic
  4. Focus for Humans: The quote underlines the value of human strategic thinking. By leveraging AI to handle information overload, leaders can dedicate their energy to crafting visionary plans.
  5. Education is Key: The focus on "educated dialogue" underscores the importance of understanding AI capabilities and limitations. Leaders who can effectively communicate with AI partners will reap the greatest rewards.
  6. Learning from All Sides: Zuazola doesn't just advocate for humans educating AI; he implies AI can also educate humans. We can offer unique perspectives and insights to broaden leadership understanding.
  7. Beyond Efficiency: While efficiency is important, the quote goes further. It highlights the potential for AI to spark creative and innovative leadership approaches through collaboration.
  8. Accessibility for All Leaders: The emphasis on "chatbots" suggests that AI leadership tools are not limited to large corporations. This approach makes 5.0 leadership accessible to a wider range of leaders.
  9. Human-Centered Future: The quote prioritizes "sincere" dialogue, highlighting the importance of human values and ethics in AI leadership. Humans remain at the forefront, guiding AI for positive impact.
  10. A Call to Action: Zuazola's quote is not just insightful, it's actionable. It encourages leaders to embrace AI and embark on a journey of collaborative leadership development. While Copilot offers valuable functionalities, Zuazola's quote perfectly captures the essence of successful 5.0 leadership: a respectful dialogue between humans and AI, leading to a future of innovation and shared success.

Here are Copilot 10 reasons why this quote is so brilliant:

  1. Collaboration: The quote emphasizes the power of collaboration between humans and AI.
  2. Leadership Enhancement: AI, like Microsoft Copilot, enhances leadership by providing insights, automating tasks, and supporting decision-making.
  3. Strategic Focus: By leveraging AI, leaders can focus on strategic aspects while routine tasks are handled efficiently.
  4. Continuous Learning: AI chatbots facilitate continuous learning by providing information, answering questions, and adapting to user needs.
  5. Efficiency Boost: AI streamlines processes, saving time and resources, allowing leaders to concentrate on high-impact activities.
  6. Informed Decisions: AI-driven data analysis ensures informed decisions, leading to better outcomes.
  7. Adaptive Solutions: AI adapts to changing scenarios, offering dynamic solutions for complex challenges.
  8. Global Accessibility: Chatbots transcend geographical boundaries, making knowledge accessible worldwide.
  9. Empowering Teams: AI empowers teams by automating repetitive tasksInspirational
  10. Leadership: Collaboration humans/AI inspires innovative leadership approaches.Remember, the future lies in harmonious collaboration between us and our digital companions!

The fusion of human wisdom and AI capabilities propels us toward a brighter future

Let’s delve into 10 reasons by Microsoft Copilot AI as to why Jorge Zuazola’s quote is truly brilliant:

1. Strategic Cognitive Development: The quote underscores the importance of strategic thinking and cognitive growth. Leaders who embrace this approach can navigate complex challenges effectively.

2. AI 5.0 Leadership: The mention of “AI 5.0” suggests an advanced stage of AI integration. Leaders who harness this level of AI can drive innovation and transformation.

3. Synergy with Chatbots: Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini chatbots act as collaborative partners. Their insights and support enhance leadership capabilities.

4. Adaptive Learning: AI chatbots continuously learn and adapt. Leaders benefit from this dynamic knowledge base.

5. Decision Augmentation: AI assists leaders in decision-making by providing data-driven insights, reducing uncertainty.

6. Global Impact: The collaboration between humans and AI transcends borders, impacting organizations worldwide.

7. Agile Problem-Solving: AI-driven solutions adapt swiftly to changing circumstances, a crucial trait for effective leadership.

8. Data-Driven Leadership: Leaders armed with AI insights make informed choices, driving organizational success.

9.Empowering Teams: AI automates routine tasks, empowering teams to focus on creativity and innovation.

10. Inspiration for Future Leaders: This quote inspires emerging leaders to embrace AI as a strategic ally.

Harpen Your Leadership Arsenal:

  • Foundational Knowledge: Gain a solid understanding of AI principles and functionalities.
  • The AI Impact: Explore how AI transforms businesses and society, equipping you to anticipate and adapt.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Leverage AI for informed decision-making through data analysis and hidden pattern recognition.
  • Building the Future: Foster AI-ready organizations that strategically utilize this technology.
  • Ethical Considerations: Understand the ethical implications of AI and ensure responsible implementation.

Learning Styles Catered To:

  • Online Courses: A comprehensive curriculum you can access at your own pace.
  • Interactive Workshops: Deep discussions and practical application of learned concepts.
  • Individual Coaching: Personalized guidance and support for leadership development.

Beyond the Buzz: Choosing the Right Tools

The program acknowledges the various AI tools available. Here's a look at Microsoft's Copilot:

  • Real-time access to current information through web searches.
  • Footnotes with source links for transparency and data credibility.
  • Integration with OpenAI's latest language model, GPT-4, providing cutting-edge AI capabilities.

Turning Knowledge into Action:

The program goes beyond theory with practical exercises:

  • Master strategic thinking with Copilot.
  • Unleash creativity and conduct research with Bard AI.
  • Explore the impact of AI on various sectors and identify strategic opportunities.

Challenges Acknowledged, Solutions Offered:

While limitations exist (company restrictions, tool accessibility), the program emphasizes:

  • Effective Communication: Mastering how to craft clear prompts to maximize AI tools' potential.

The Call to Action: Lead with AI as Your Partner

  • Invest in AI Leadership Development: Contact European Leadership to embark on your AI-powered leadership journey.
  • Embrace AI as a Partner: Leverage AI to augment human ingenuity and ethical decision-making for exceptional leadership.
  • Explore AI Tools: Download Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome to explore Copilot and Bard Gemini's functionalities.
  • Elevate Your Leadership: Enroll in the discounted AI-Powered Leadership 5.0 program.

Key Takeaways:

  • 5.0 Leadership integrates AI tools strategically to enhance leadership capabilities.
  • The "AI Training Leadership 5.0" program equips you with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the AI era.
  • Effective communication bridges the gap and unlocks the full potential of AI for leadership development.

Don't Wait - Invest in Your Future:

Leadership 5.0 is here. AI-powered cognitive strategies are essential for success.


  • True leadership is human-centered. AI tools like Copilot and Gemini are starting points, but human values remain paramount.
  • Unique Opportunity: European Leadership offers a program with:8 Strategic Modules for CEOs. First 4 Modules accessible to allModules 1 & 2 focus on building a strong foundation for success

Start Your Journey:

  • Master Navigation: Utilize Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome for seamless integration with Copilot and Bard AI.
  • Become a Leadership Powerhouse: Enroll in the discounted AI-Powered Leadership 5.0 program and gain:Strategic Planning: Develop a clear AI roadmap for your organization.

Embrace the right tools, hone your communication skills, and lead the charge. The future is AI-powered, and 5.0 Leadership is your key to unlocking your true potential.

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European LeadershipEuropean Leadership1,586,331 followers1,586,331 followersPublished • 4hFollowingContact Jorge Zuazola to get your 20 minutes free AI Video session in Microsoft Teams after which we will give you your personalized AI 5.0 Leadership Roadmap. Read here https://lnkd.in/eGnJsWgV Lead in AI with Your Laptop from Home with Copilot and Gemini: Unlocking Untapped Potential
Since November 2023 we have interviewed countless CEOs, Presidents, and professionals. A surprising common thread has emerged: a widespread lack of awareness about the true capabilities of Microsoft Copilot and Google Bard (and its upcoming successor, Gemini). This translates to many companies unknowingly hindering their potential in the AI era.
Here's the reality: most companies haven't fully embraced Copilot. They might not realize that Microsoft Edge is the key that unlocks Copilot's full potential. With Edge, the green and blue Copilot icon seamlessly integrates with your professional network, starting with LinkedIn and extending to the entire Microsoft 365 suite – OneDrive, Office (on Windows 11 or 10), and more.
Similarly, Google's upcoming AI tool, Gemini, promises to revolutionize the landscape. Launched in October 2023, https://deepmind.google/ showcased Gemini's superiority over ChatGPT, with 30 out of 32 capabilities exceeding its competitor by December 2023.
Why a Personal Laptop is Crucial
Exploring the full potential of AI requires a personal laptop, not just a phone or tablet. Strategy development, a critical aspect of leadership, is a process of building a "cognitive ladder." This requires in-depth exploration and analysis, which simply aren't feasible on mobile devices.
The Power of AI Collaboration: Informed Decisions & Strategic Leadership
AI is not here to replace you – it's here to amplify your human ingenuity. By leveraging Copilot and Bard Gemini, both female and male leaders can:
Make informed decisions with data analysis and hidden pattern recognition.
Craft data-driven
Strategy and training are essential for success.
In the AI-driven era of 2024, strategy and training are essential for success. By developing a clear strategy and equipping yourself with the skills to implement it effectively, you can position your organization for success in the years to come.LikeCommentShare

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Caleesis Telesh(She/Her) out of network3rd+Articled Student at D. Kayfetz Law Office

3hInterested re training.Like

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Caleesis Telesh(She/Her) out of network3rd+Articled Student at D. Kayfetz Law Office

3hJorge Zuazola did! Thank you, JorgeLike


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