United Way for Southeastern Michigan celebrates Global Volunteer Month


Every April, United Way for Southeastern Michigan celebrates Global Volunteer Month to reflect on those who generously give their time in support of others.

Several of the selfless volunteers included in this year’s Volunteer Honor Roll work hard to change the lives of people who are unhoused in our region. Ericka Woods is one of our all-stars who has been a hands-on leader in this area.


    “The reason why I gravitate more towards the homeless is because growing up— I wasn’t homeless, but I didn’t have a lot,”

    said Ericka.

    “I kind of understand what it feels like not to have things.”

    “When I got older and I was seeing people out on the street, it tugged at my heart.”

    Ericka got involved to be part of the solution, getting involved with clothing drives and distributing food every Saturday with Elevate Detroit.

    “When I go out and volunteer, I always want to give them the best,” she said. 

    “When they see me, they already know I’m going to have something good for them. One time, we made tacos, and they were very, very thankful — now one guy calls me the Taco Lady.”

    See more volunteers like Ericka who are making a difference in Southeastern Michigan.

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