Oakland SAVES Grant Program is now open!


Oakland SAVES Grant Program is now open!

Oakland County has partnered with Michigan Saves, the nation’s first nonprofit green bank, to invest $5 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding to provide qualified residents with an Oakland SAVES (Simple Actions for Valuable Energy Savings) grant. These grants can be used to make updates to homes, producing savings in energy consumption and utility bills and improving a home’s health, safety and comfort. This program is specifically for owner-occupied, single family homes.

Eligible improvements include: the installation of insulation, energy-efficient doors and windows, weatherstripping, and heating, ventilation, water heater and air conditioning improvements.

Any qualified resident in Oakland County can apply for a grant in one of two tiers:

  • $4 million has been set aside for Income-qualified households to receive up to $5,000 to help pay for projects.
  • $1 million has been allocated for all other residents for grants that cover 20% of a sustainable home improvement project, capping out at $3,000.

How to Apply

Visit the Oakland SAVES grant program to apply today!

The application process requires:

  • A project quote from an authorized Michigan Saves contractor.
  • For income-qualified applicants, an electric copy of their 2022 federal tax form to upload (with the social security number(s) removed).

Learn More about Oakland SAVES

Digital Flyer - English, Spanish, Arabic

Learn more about the Oakland SAVES Grants

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