Public Notices and Press Releases

Position your company for government contracts

Start the year off strong gettng government procurement ready!Capabilities Kick-Off Workshop
January 23, 2025 | 11 AM

Start the year off strong getting government procurement ready! The Dearborn APEX Accelerator in partnership with the Great Lakes Women’s Business Council is hosting a virtual workshop walking business leaders through crafting a strong capabilities statement. Start the year off investing in yourself, and better position your company to win government contracts.

Farmers & Ranchers Boots to Business Reboot – Bloomington
January 25, 2025 | 9 - 4:30PM
Bloomington , IN

During Reboot, participants are introduced to the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to launch a business, including steps for developing business concepts, how to develop a business plan, and information on SBA resources available to help. The program is facilitated by subject matter experts from the SBA and their extensive network of skilled business advisors.

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