January 22, 2025 | 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM Cadieux Cafe 4300 Cadieux Rd, Detroit, MI, 48224 Add to Calendar Get Directions
The GABC Round-Table is going to be held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at a location around Southeastern Michigan.
We will be meeting at 5:30pm with a featherbowling lane reserved from 6pm-7pm. Come join the GABC for this first-of-its-kind round-table event and enjoy Belgian beers and steamed muscles as a specialty of the Cadieux Cafe.
We look forward to welcoming all members and guests to come for a meet and greet. As always, the RT is a free event open to all. Anyone interested in German-American relations will enjoy the good conversation and networking provided.
This month we will be meeting in Detroit's East Side Village (Close to Grosse Pointe) at the Cadieux Cafe.
Feather bowling, steamed mussels and other Belgian specialties, burgers, sandwiches, and pommes frites, live music, and more than three dozen beers from Belgium (over 40 more from elsewhere around the world)... at the Cadieux Cafe, as the bumper sticker on the wall says, “It’s Beautiful To Be Belgian.” Since its days as a Prohibition-era speakeasy, the Cadieux Cafe has been a social hub for Metro Detroit's Belgian population. Flemish culture flourishes at the Cadieux, which is or has been the unofficial headquarters for an array of clubs promoting pastimes from across the pond, including pigeon racing, archery, bicycling, darts and, of course, feather bowling. The Cadieux Cafe was one of the few Detroit restaurants featured on Anthony Bourdain’s tv show, No Reservations, and in a few of his books. The Michigan Traditional Arts Program awarded the Cadieux the Michigan Heritage Award for “continuing family and community cultural traditions with excellence and authenticity”.
The Cadieux Cafe has been carrying on these east side traditions since 1933. The owners have been careful to maintain the place’s old-world charm, but they've also made it more accessible to the masses by bringing in live musical acts and staying open late on the weekends, to 9:00pm on Sundays and Mondays, and to midnight the rest of the week. It’s still beautiful to be Belgian at the Cadieux Cafe, and you are more than welcome to pretend if you aren’t!
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