Public Notices and Press Releases

The Global Automotive & Mobility Innovation Challenge

BaTTeRi, Tel Aviv, Yafo, Israel

BaTTeRi, believes that every car owner is entitled to an accessible, simple, & seamless EV charging solution to reach zero carbon from transportation.

BaTTeRi is an innovative company that operates in the Electric Vehicle (EV) charging industry. BaTTeRi introduces an innovative EV Charging as a Service (CaaS), zero infrastructure method based on a proprietary charging robot, THOMAS. With Thomas, the company enables sites and parking lots to offer rapid DC EV charging in every parking spot. Thomas is a proprietary autonomous, automatic, and wireless DC charging robot. In addition, it is a hybrid EV charger that can store power from the grid, solar, wind, or all three to provide the most economical and environmentally friendly charging solution.

The Global Automotive & Mobility Innovation Challenge

More than 1200+ global automotive and mobility Start-Up Companies were invited to apply to the 17th GAMIC (2024-2025). The GAMIC organizing committee reviewed all applications and selected the top companies to pitch during the online QUARTER FINAL EVENTS held in December 2024 and January 2025.

Sixteen (16) start-up companies from ten (10) countries have now been selected to move forward to the 17th Annual GAMIC SEMI-FINALS Competition which will be held in Dearborn, Michigan both in-person and online on:

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 8 am to 5 pm EDT


University of Michigan – Dearborn Campus at the

James C. Renic University Center - Kochoff Hall

4901 Evergreen Road, Dearborn, MI 48128

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