Public Notices and Press Releases

Risk Management Series by: EGLE

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Register for the Remediation and Risk Management Webinar Series

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is excited to present the Remediation and Risk Management Webinar Series. This webinar series is dedicated to helping environmental professionals stay informed about issues and trends that affect remediation and risk management efforts. Registration for upcoming webinars and recordings of past webinars will be available on the Series webpage.

EGLE's Remediation and Redevelopment Division (RRD) will be releasing a Michigan-specific risk-based corrective action (MIRBCA) guidance document for conducting corrective actions at Part 213 sites and will provide a series of webinar-based training sessions as detailed below. This will be a fundamental change to how Part 213 is implemented. The MIRBCA training modules will cover the basics of the MIRBCA process and tiered risk evaluations for all exposure pathways. Qualified Underground Storage Tank Consultants are responsible for assuring that the risk at sites regulated under Part 213 is acceptable.

Registration for each module is separate - make sure you register for all 4!

Upcoming webinars

March 24, 1 - 3 PM
MIRBCA Module 1 – Introduction and main concepts

This module introduces the Michigan risk-based corrective action (MIRBCA) process and provides an overview of major concepts and terminology.

The training provides an overview of site assessment (characterizing geology, receptors, NAPL, soil, and groundwater contamination), risk assessment (determining if the risk is acceptable or unacceptable for current use and future use), and risk management (options to eliminate exposure or reduce concentrations if the risk is unacceptable). The training provides an overview of an exposure model that is developed for each site, including the differences between a generic exposure model and a site-specific exposure model, and discusses the concepts of exposure domain and representative concentration.

March 31, 1 - 3 PM
MIRBCA Module 2 – Groundwater protection and surface water protection exposure pathways

This module describes a Tier 1 and Tier 2 evaluation for the groundwater protection exposure pathway and the surface water protection exposure pathway.

Topics include: the Tier 1 and Tier 2 exposure model for each pathway, including source area, point of exposure, and point of compliance; evaluation of pathway completeness for current use and future use; development, use, and applicability of risk-based target levels (RBTLs), and risk management options.

April 7, 1 - 3 PM
MIRBCA Module 3 – Volatilization to indoor air exposure pathway

This module describes a Tier 1 and Tier 2 evaluation for the volatilization to indoor air pathway (VIAP).

Topics include: defining the vapor source and applying a lateral inclusion zone, identifying buildings that require risk assessment for current use, identifying exposure domain for future use in a Tier 1 and Tier 2 evaluation, vertical separation distances, and the quantitative evaluation of risk. The quantitative evaluation of risk involves determining the mechanism by which vapors enter a building and selecting the applicable fate and transport model and risk-based target levels (RBTLs). The training provides an overview of indoor air evaluation and risk management options.

April 14, 1 - 3 PM
MIRBCA Module 4 – Surficial soil pathways, right-of-way evaluations, and plume stability

This module describes a Tier 1 and Tier 2 evaluation for the surficial soil exposure pathways, which include direct contact, volatilization to ambient air inhalation, and soil particulate inhalation.

The training also provides an overview of the evaluation required in highway and road rights-of-way, and methods of evaluating groundwater data to determine dissolved plume stability.

Each webinar qualifies for 2 CEH/PDH.

Joel Roseberry:
Alana Berthold:

Individuals needing language assistance or accommodations for effective participation at these events should contact Joel Roseberry at 517-599-9494 at least two weeks before each event to request language, mobility, visual, hearing, translation, and/or other assistance.

EGLE does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, marital status, disability, political beliefs, height, weight, genetic information, or sexual orientation in the administration of any of its programs or activities, and prohibits intimidation and retaliation, as required by applicable laws and regulations.

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